Privacy and Cookies

We take great care to protect and preserve the privacy of all visitors to our website. Unless it is expressly provided to us, we do not collect personal data from any visitor. We do not sell, share or otherwise provide personal data to third parties in any way. We do not send you communications unless you give us permission to do so.

Anonymous aggregate information relating to site usage may be collected to evaluate the performance of the website. This does not include any personally identifiable information.

The Data Protection Act
We have a legal duty under the Data Protection Act to protect any information we collect from you. We therefore use appropriate technologies to safeguard your data, and have rigorous security standards to prevent any unauthorised access to it.

External links
This site contains external links to other websites. This privacy policy only applies to this website. We therefore advise visitors to read the privacy statement of any site they move to, especially those which collect personal information. We do not accept responsibility, or liability, for the consequential actions of a user choosing to access any third party website listed.

This website uses cookies, which is standard practice on most websites. Without them we cannot deliver a high quality online experience. Some cookies collect anonymous information about your visit, which we use for monitoring purposes and to help us with future developments by understanding how our visitors use our website.

By using this website you consent to cookies being used. If you do not consent you must disable cookies but accept that your visit will be restricted to only browsing the public pages, and certain features will not work correctly.